Other Auto Maintenance and Battery Service
Trusted Auto Maintenance Technicians in Laredo, TX
ATL Laredo is dedicated to keeping you and your family safe on the road. That’s why we provide complete car repair and care services for Laredo, TX drivers. Whenever you have any concerns or problems with your vehicle, bring it in. Our experienced technicians will be more than happy to look at it for you. We’re equipped for all vehicle maintenance needs, whether you need an oil and lube check or a battery service in Laredo, TX.

We Also Offer Battery Replacements
In addition to the other auto repair services mentioned throughout our site, we also place emphasis on servicing car batteries. Modern cars require several steps and specific tools to replace their batteries. Let our team confidently check and maintain your car battery’s inside electrolyte levels to see if the battery’s components are fixable or if you need a complete car battery replacement.
If your car isn’t turning over when you start it, your accessories aren’t working, or you notice corrosion on your battery connections, bring it to us right away. Contact us today to schedule an appointment for battery service in Laredo, TX. We’ll get you back out on the road in no time.
Complete Auto Care for Laredo Car Owners
Owning a vehicle is a rewarding and freeing experience when you give your car the care and respect it deserves. ATL Laredo provides complete auto maintenance services to keep your vehicle running safely and efficiently. These services include (but are not limited to) the following:
- Car battery replacements
- Complete electronic analyses, testing, and tune-ups
- Computer diagnostics
- Differential and transaxle services
- Emission checks
- Exhaust system repairs
- Factory-scheduled maintenance
- Fuel filters
- Fuel injection and carburetor services
- Fuel pumps
- Hose, drive and timing belt replacements
- Muffler replacements
- Oil and lube checks
- Power steering pumps
- Radiator repairs
- Starters and alternators
- Suspension systems
- Timing belts and chains
- Tire rotations and balances
- Transmission repairs and replacements
- Water pumps